Monday, 31 March 2014

Do you really want to let that girl go?

14:21 0 Comments
I always talk to myself that I am ready to move on from that phase. The phase where I always write all poems, write down everything that I feel in such a melodramatic ways. I keep telling myself, I've done there. I need to move on. I need to live in the reality. But the true is I never want to move on. I want to be always there as the melodramatic me in such way cause I enjoy it so much.

Earlier today, I read all the poems that I write, I read all my melodramatic short stories and also my novel and give myself one hell of a question,"Do you really want to let that girl go?". Maybe I have fewer readers now, not so much as I have when I was so actively being melodramatic and wrote all the feelings down (read: on high school), but hell yeah. I realize now, the reader part is not the thing I need the most. The thing I need the most is to finally let my feeling go in such a beautiful way.

I've burried all my feelings with a silence. I never pour them again with words  like I used to. I missed many parts that really good enough to be written. I miss the old me.

It's not a good starter for being melo again, but yeah, I promise myself to write more and also make a promise to finish my thesis soon. Amen.

Everything will be back to normal

04:35 0 Comments
I hate PMS. You hate my PMS too. We both agree that PMS makes me super-duper-sensitif-and-also-like-a-bitch-that-you-want-to-slap-right-on-her-face soooooo much. My PMS this month that happens since yesterday also makes me feel like a dumpster.

 It's a word I invented. It feels like being dumped and being a hipster at the exact same time. Or you maybe said that on shorter term, weird.

Suddenly you became a jerk, all your flaws raised to the surface. I hate you and I hate myself because before all of this I've already accepted you as the way you are. 

But the most unbearable thing is the fact that I didn't realize all of this is a PMS thing. I kept telling myself that something went wrong between us. We shouldn't be together. And then holy crap. The reason come in. My period came 3 days before the marked date. Haha. 

But I know everything will be back to normal once you said you love me. Cause I know, I do.

I think millions of women agree with me about this, about how you feel when you are PMS. And dude, just bear with us. Be cool. Hahahahahaha.

Monday, 10 March 2014

Resep Sehat Murah Enak Ala Anak Kos

20:52 0 Comments

Resep ini murah, karena memang ngga mahal. Mudah, karena bahan-bahannya nggak susah dicari dan mudah pula memasakknya. Sehat karena isinya sayur dan telor, perpaduan lengkap vitamin, serat dan protein. Resep ini hasil improvisasi sendiri. Resep dasarnya orak-arik tapi kemudian saya modifikasi. Cocok buat anak kos.

Resep Orak-Arik Warna-Warni
Bahan Telur Dadar
1 butir telur
50 ml susu cair
Garam secukupnya
Saos secukupnya
Mentega secukupnya

Bahan Orak-Arik
2 siung bawang merah, iris halus
2 siung bawang putih, iris halus
50 gr wortel, potong dadu kecil-kecil
5 lembar daun sawi, rajang ukuran sedang
5 buah cabe rawit (kalau ga suka pedes, kurangi saja jumlahnya atau ganti cabe lain)
1 sdm Saos Tiram
1 sdm Kecap manis
Garam secukupnya
3 sdm Minyak goreng

Cara membuat:
1. Kocok semua bahan telur dadar hingga merata. Panaskan penggorengan (saya pakai teflon), tambahkan mentega. Setelah panas, dadarlah adonan telur ke penggorengan. Orak-ariklah pelan. Angkat. Tiriskan.
2. Panaskan minyak di wajan. Masukkan bawang merah dan bawang putih. Setelah harum, tambahkan cabe.
3. Masukkan wortel, tumis hingga wortel layu.
4. Masukkan sawi dan orak-arik telur.
5. Tambahkan saos tiram, kecap manis dan garam.
6. Angkat dan tiriskan.